Get through the winter months and you can look forward to warmer weather, lighter nights and the chance to spend a little time out on the patio enjoying the sights and sounds of the garden.
Spend a little time sprucing up the patio and you’ll have an idyllic outdoor setting to enjoy the best of the weather, whatever it has in store over the spring and summer. Patios are useful recreational areas. To get the best from your outdoor area this year do this and enjoy alfresco living for a while.
Sweep up leaves and general debris
To begin, clear all the clutter from the patio that has accumulated over the winter months. Dead leaves, moss, twigs and other winter-related rubbish will have pretty much covered the patio area. Sweep this up and place the contents on your compost heap or drop it inside the green recycling bin ready for collection by the local authorities. Spend 15 minutes or so sweeping and bagging up garden debris and this makes such a difference to a patio area.
Powerwash the entire area
Dirt and grime can be embedded within a patio area over the winter period. Moss and mulch in particular leave nasty marks. The best way to remove this is to pressure wash the patio to give it a deep clean. Blast away dirt and grime from slate, stone, brick or decked patio areas and the area really starts to come alive.
Clean windows or patio doors
Take a look at the exterior of your home after pressure washing a patio. You’ll notice some of the grime from the floor has splattered onto windows, walls and patio doors and this needs to be removed. Use the power washer to blast the excess dirt away then dry clean with a chamois to leave sparkling results. Another tip to leave patio doors sparkling is to mix a little vinegar with water. Spray it onto the glass then wipe clean with old sheets of newspaper, this might sound a little crazy but it leaves glazing streak-free.
Check garden furniture for faults
Bring garden furniture out of storage and give it a clean to remove dust or cobwebs. If you decided to leave the furniture outside over the winter, check for obvious signs of faults, rotting wooden chairs or benches for example might have to be replaced. A little titivation wouldn’t do the furniture any harm. Use a teak stain on wood frames and consider buying new seat pads for chairs to give them a quick makeover.
Introduce a few planters
Dress the patio for the summer. Brightly coloured planters create a cheery, outdoor setting. Place them strategically around the patio area or group them together to divide the patio into unique areas. Glazed ceramic planters are available in countless colour options or you could stick with traditional terracotta pots and bring the area to life by filling the pots with different types of coloured plants.
Have an awning installed
Having done all of the above you want to enjoy the patio area as much as you can. Add protection in the guise of an awning and this enables you to sit outdoors no matter the weather has in store. Block out sun or keep the area free from rain, an awning provides the perfect protection and it’s very easy to open and close.
Awnings are one of our specialties at PH Blinds and Curtains. Feel free to contact us if you want to add an awning to your patio at any point.